Sunday, October 9, 2011

Colts 0-5...

Today's game against the Chiefs was an easy game to watch until the end. I gave up my last glimmer of hope for this team as we advance into week six...winless. The only thing that's giving me some type of comfort through this whole defeated ordeal is a weird thought. lol.

The last time the Colts started 0-5... 1997 to be exact, we came out with the first draft pick...and it was Peyton Manning. Ever since we've had Peyton we have been worry free. Now without him, we again have a 0-5 start again we could possibly come out with the first draft pick again... which i am hoping we do, because we'll add another future franchise quarterback to out Roster and History. Andrew Luck.

found this funny picture of him in a colts jersey.


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